(Sung in Zulu)

Bawo nginesikhalo, Bawo ngiyakhala
I have a complaint, I have a cry
Lon ‘omubi ney’ ngelosi zakhe bangihlasele
The devil and his angels are attacking me
Oh Nkosi yami bakhubaz ‘umoya wami
Oh my God, they are breaking my spirit

Uwonelan’ umphefumulo wami kangaka?
Why are you trying to break my faith?
Lokh ‘okwenza kimi nakuwe kuzokwenzeka?
What happens to me will happen to you
Amazwi abawakhulumayo kimi ayahlaba
The words they speak are piercing
Ungathanda yini uma lokho kwenzeka kuwe
Would you be happy if that happened to you?
Lon ‘omubi ney ‘ngelosi zakhe bahlasele
The devil and his angels are attacking me
umangithi ngiya ngapha Nkosi yami ngihlangana nabo
Wherever I go, My God I meet them
Amazwi abawakhulumayo kimi ayahlaba
The words they speak are piercing
Oh Nkosi yami bakhubaz ‘umoya wami
Oh my God, they are breaking my spirit

Njengoba ngihamba kuyo lendlela yakho
As I walk in your path
Izitha zami Nkosi yami zigula mihla yonke
My enemies grow weak everyday
Abaningi babo banomona
There are many who are jealous
Oh Nkosi yami bakhubaz ‘umoya wami
Oh my God, they are breaking my spirit
Amakholwa asemhlabeni ahlaselwe
Believers in the world are haunted
Babuyise Nkosi endleleni bangalahleki
Bring them to your path God so that they are not lost
Bahlale ‘ndleleni yakho Nkosi yami
Help them stay in your path my King
Eyebomini ubomi obungunaphakade
That which leads to eternal life

Uwonelan’ umphefumulo wami kangaka?
Why are you trying to break my faith?
Lokh ‘okwenza kimi nakuwe kuzokwenzeka?
What happens to me will happen to you
Amazwi abawakhulumayo kimi ayahlaba
The words they speak are piercing
Ungathanda yini uma lokho kwenzeka kuwe
Would you be happy if that happened to you?
Lon ‘omubi ney ‘ngelosi zakhe bahlasele
The devil and his angels are attacking me
umangithi ngiya ngapha Nkosi yami ngihlangana nabo
Wherever I go, My God I meet them
Amazwi abawakhulumayo kimi ayahlaba
The words they speak are piercing
Oh Nkosi yami bakhubaz ‘umoya wami
Oh my God, they are breaking my spirit

Njengoba ngihamba kuyo lendlela yakho
As I walk in your path
Izitha zami Nkosi yami zigula mihla yonke
My enemies grow weak everyday
Abaningi babo banomona
There are many who are jealous
Oh Nkosi yami bakhubaz ‘umoya wami
Oh my God, they are breaking my spirit
Amakholwa asemhlabeni ahlaselwe
Believers in the world are haunted
Babuyise Nkosi endleleni bangalahleki
Bring them to your path God so that they are not lost
Bahlale ‘ndleleni yakho Nkosi yami
Help them stay in your path my King
Eyebomini ubomi obungunaphakade
That which leads to eternal life

Original Zulu Lyrics Here